1. Hello, and welcome to my blog! To start off, what made you decide to take the plunge into the world of publishing?
me, the act of writing strongly implies the act of publishing. After
all, why write in the first place if you don't want as many people as
possible to read what you wrote? For most of my career as an author,
I've been traditionally published by major houses like Pearson and
Routledge for my scholarly nonfiction, and Tor for my science fiction.
But, in 2012, I started working with a small press for my science
fiction - JoSara MeDia. Sooner or later I'll definitely self-publish
as well. It's all part of the writing process. And my philosophy as a
writer is, if it works, do it - whatever it takes to get your works to
more readers and receive decent compensation. One problem with
traditional publishers is that the compensation won't make you rich,
unless you're a best-selling author. Small presses and self-publishing
will give much more money per sale.
2. Tell me about your book.
I have 15 books published - nine nonfiction, on the history and future
of media, and six science fiction, including my Phil D'Amato series
about an NYPD forensic detective with a knack for getting into strange
cases, and my Sierra Waters time travel series. I'm also writing more
than one book at the same time - sometimes nonfiction and science
fiction. Critics of my media theory have said it read likes science
fiction - I take that as a compliment, because I love science fiction.
3. Who/what inspired you to write?
Asimov, more than any other writer, inspired me to write science
fiction and nonfiction - Asimov wrote both, and did in a riveting way.
He was a master of words, with a lean, effective style that appealed to
me the instant I read it, when I was about 12 years old. As for the
what - I love the feeling of being able to create worlds that didn't
quite exist before - or, in the case of my nonfiction, of being able to
explain something complex in a clear way. Some of my nonfiction books
are used as text books - like New New Media - and that makes me very
4. I see one of your series involves time travel back to the time of Socrates. Very interesting concept. Did this require a lot of research?
Plot to Save Socrates took a huge amount of research. Part of it was
done over the years, since I was a student in college in a philosophy
class, and became interested in why Socrates insisted on drinking the
hemlock when he had been given a chance to escape by his friend Crito.
But as I was writing the novel, and began including real characters, I
spent days in libraries doing research - lots of material about ancient
philosophers, when I was writing the novel in 2004-5, wasn't yet
online. But the research was fun!
5. What sci-fi writers would you say have most influenced your writing?
I already mentioned Asimov. Others would be Robert Heinlein, Arthur C.
Clarke, James Blish, and Alfred Bester - and of course H. G. Wells and
Jules Verne - I've loved the masters of science fiction.
6. What do you do when you're not writing?
a Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University,
so I do a lot of talking when I'm not writing. I'm also interviewed a
lot on television and radio - here's a YouTube page with a lot of my
interviews - https://www.youtube.com/user/PLev20062006
And, for fun and relaxation, I swim about 20 laps a day, garden, and
have a goldfish. And family is the most important of my life.
just finished writing Chronica - the third novel in the Sierra Waters
series. It should be published in about a month, and available for
pre-order on Amazon sooner than that. I just need to give it one more
read-through. I'm also writing a 4th Phil D'Amato novel.
Today I would say the 1890s, because that's where a lot of Chronica takes place. But tomorrow I might say someplace else. Any place in the past would be fabulously interesting to me. And, then, we have future ...
2. You also have written non-fiction about the digital age. What do you find the be the most interesting aspect of the digital age, and where do you think it will lead us?
I explain in New New Media, the most revolutionary aspect of the
digital age is that every consumer can become a producer - that's what
Kindle publishing is all about, where any reader can become a published
author; that's what Wikipedia is all about, where the articles can be
written by anyone; that's what YouTube is about, where people put up
home videos all the time. For the first time in human history, writers
and speakers and photographers don't need to get anyone's permission to
get their work out to the world. That's a great step forward for
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